moving partial stackts

Game: canfield
Game #: 1000123218

What would you like to see?

the ability to move partial stacks onto other stacks.


  • You should be able to do this, now.

  • Let's say two black 7's are on the board and one is covered. If i want to put up the covered one i cannot move the stack to the other 7.

  • Sage, you cannot do that in Canfield. It's an illegal move, according to Hoyle.

  • Am not certain that is why Jim and David did it that way, tho.

  • It does make things more difficult. So maybe it's more interesting to play that way?


    Correct. We read a lot of rule books and they all agree on that particular point. It does make it much harder. But it makes sense—Canfield was originally a gambling game at the Canfield Casino and they didn't want it easy, otherwise they'd lose money!

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