22 secs to solve this game? Seriously?

Game: klondike
Game #: 427112356
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36
JS-Version: 2018-01-24_09:51:31_e68f27988fcd8349cffe10f04825a8983f9a0acb

How are people solving puzzles in 22 secs? Seems that if a score is too far away from a median score on the short side of things, it should be tossed in with a group of players who are using programs or stroke-recording to play with. If you are going to use such methods, you need to be competing with others who are doing so and allow the rest of us to play normally as if we were in a casino -you know, house rules?

Can you game developers offer such to people? Because it seems that the only real challenge when using such, is to see how your "aide" vies against someone else's -- competing against those of us who play normally by clicking cards/using auto-finish, is no real challenge.



  • How do you get to be a no. 1 tennis or snooker player?

  • At the end of the day about the only time I am BRIEFLY on the leader board is if I am one of the first 10 people to play the game! I think I play normally...whatever that is. As far as by the the house rules...well...I play within Green Felt's parameters. Green Felt allows shortcuts...I don't use them...but if others choose to...it doesn't interfere with me using this site and my time enjoying the game.

    For me playing solitaire is a mindless game...a chance to not think about serious stuff. To much brain power needed to remember all the "rules" of the shortcuts.

  • I agree with the mindless idea. For me it is like guided meditation and I am much more relaxed after I play. So grateful for this site. I am on the leader board and use no super moves. I am just fast with the touch screen. You can be too!

  • I feel those whom are getting these low minutes, and scores , are just cheating themselves,I am not here to get high score or time hell my lowest was 2 min. 12 sec, it's not like other sites thou I play for fun only , I agree with Nan, just to take my mind over what ever is going on in the world,

  • How do the shortcuts work?


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