Golf Aces

Game: golf
Game #: 3781902564

What would you like to see? I would like to see the aces be able to be used as a high or a low card in this game. Used with a king or a 2.


  • Why? Beat it on its own terms. Winning does happen and depends on how you play. And it's exceedingly nice when you do win!


    We actually have written that variant but we don't have it exposed.

    In the past we've tried to keep the number of game variants to a minimum. I've always been turned off by solitaire games that have a million different variants (which one do I play???). Also when the site started we didn't want to have too many games because we feared that few players spread out over a ton of game variants would make most games feel unplayed. Nowadays that's less of a concern since we have so many players.

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