Return to old scoring method, please.

Game: freecell
Game #: 242142121

What would you like to see?sthi

It seems that you have changed the scoring so that fastest person wins, regardless of how many moves he/she makes.
This means that slower players like myself have to chance to win. But I used to come in first occasionally because I used the least number of moves, although I have never been the fastest. I wish you would change it back!!


    edited November 2017

    You can change it back, yourself. On the score board that appears at the end of a game, or when you click the High Scores button, click Moves and the games will be scored by the number of moves not time. To have the scores rated by time, click time.

  • Thanks for the new scoring system. Question: When there are so many that played the same number of moves, how do you determine the order?

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