Don't like holiday cards
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Please describe the problem in detail:
I'm trying to get rid of the Halloween decks to no avail. The backs of the cards only partially change. I'm trying to use the Olympic deck but 1/2 of them show up as the blue ones. Also, I hate the numbers. The colors are really hard to see and the different shapes are really distracting. I wish you would OFFER holiday options, but not default to them. Lots of us like just plain old cards. LOVE your games otherwise, though. Thank you for your site.
I just realized I had checked TWO of the decks, thus the 1/2 and 1/2. Sorry. But I still don't like the halloween stuff on the faces. It's really distracting.
You don't have to wait until tomorrow, you can change the cards back to what you're used to, yourself!
See that row of buttons, above the cards? The button on the right, to the right of the game number, says "Normal Cards". Try that...
Oh Jeez thank you Sage - My eyes were going blind.