
Game: freecell

For the placement to be out of those games actually completed. It can say that I was 7th out of 890, for example, when only 50 games were completed.

Thanks, Charmaine


  • Usually that means that the lower figure is for logged-in users, while the larger is for all plays, including anonymous users. If you play as anonymous, it shows you where you placed, but it doesn't save that result in the high scores, even if you finished first.

    That's an interesting question, actually -- how often does an anonymous player place first in the high scores? I'm guessing that most or all of the high scorers are people who have created accounts and logged in, but I can't know for sure.


    We get way more anonymous plays than logged-in plays. For instance, yesterday's Freecell game of the day had 3379 logged in plays (not unique users, some people play more than once, some a lot more), and 39191 anonymous plays (again, not necessarily unique users). I spot checked a couple other games and it's the same--roughly 10 to 1 anonymous vs. logged in users.

    If we were to show anonymous users in the high scores you'd see that most games would be dominated by anonymous users. Only the hyper popular games (Freecell, Klondike, Forty Thieves) have more logged-in users than anonymous in the top 10.

    Most players just want to play some solitaire and don't worry too much about their scores.

  • I have been playing anonymously more and more so I don't have to hear about cheating anymore. I can be proud of a high score but not have to listen to ant complaining about my times.

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