Selrcting specific game #s in Freecell or other games

Game: freecell
Game #: 592444076

What would you like to see?

I would like to complete each and every numbered game in a specific game title.

Then, I could keep a spreadsheet of my scores for any specific game # and repeat it at will to try and maximize my score for specific games.


  • I would like to complete each and every numbered game in a specific game title.

    Then, I could keep a spreadsheet of my scores for any specific game # and repeat it at will to try and maximize my score for specific games.

    So, a feature that would allow me to select a specific game # would enable me to do that.

    edited October 2017

    Click on the yellow game number (to the right of Auto Finish) of any game . Then enter any number from 1 to 999999999, in that space. Click Enter (on your keyboard) to play that game.

  • I hope you have a lot of free time. To play every game, even if you completed them in one minute, including the time to enter your data in the spreadsheet, and never ever took a break to sleep or eat, would take you 1,902 years!

  • Oops, it's worse than that. I can't remember the precise highest shuffle number, but it's at least 4,294,950,000, which amounts to 8,192 years and 189 days of continuous play at a minute a game. No sleep or food. Realistically, I think it would be difficult to complete in less than 20,000 years, especially considering that the reflexes really start to slow down after just a hundred years or so.

  • Thanks, Fnarf.....I never thought about the actual number of combos there were....That's very insightful of you and thanks for taking a moment to let me know.

    Well....I think maybe I'll start with # 1 and see how many I can finish in a year.


  • If you're just trying to keep a record, run off a hundred or so games and then you can do averages, check back to see if anyone has upped the top score, etc. If you keep it in a spreadsheet, you can paste the actual link to the exact shuffle by right-clicking the game number and selecting "Copy link address" (in Chrome; might be called something else in IE or Firefox or Safari etc.) and then pasting into the appropriate cell. That way, you can revisit the specific shuffle with just a single click.

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