Another offensive name

Could we get rid of the loser who is currently playing Addiction with the name "Race war now". Can't these idiots leave there offensive political statements off of Green Felt?


  • you name, "drimall", offends are to leave Green Felt until such time as you present a screen name that is acceptable by me......

    edited September 2017

    The players who can't think of a user name, that isn't offensive, aren't here very long, as actually playing these games is beyond their intent or scope. Just here to troll, bear2973, or have you played any solitaire on this site, yet?

  • i've been playing for about 3 years now....i don't bother logging in because i play for ME....not for other people.....seeing line after line of people fussing about times and names gets on my nerves after awhile....figured i show them how idiotic they look with the whining....

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