clarify super moves

A couple of phrases in this section are not clear to me:

"that isn't immediately accessible"

"Dragging a card or cards to the middle of a stack"

Can someone clarify each.? What exactly is being done here?


  • I dunno about the first one, but the second one means clicking and holding on a card in the stock or on the tableau, and then dragging it by moving the mouse until the card is at its destination -- either the foundation or a different pile in the tableau, and letting go. The reason for doing this is if you want to make a move different than the automatic one, which you can get just by clicking anywhere on the green felt.

    For instance, in Pyramid, if the stock turns up a 9, and there are two 4s showing in the tableau, the automatic move will take the 9 and the left-most 4. If you want the other 4 instead, drag the 9 until it is over the 4 you want and let go. In other games, such as Yukon, you might do this because you want the card from the stock to build onto the tableau even though it is eligible to be played off onto the foundation, which would be the automatic move.


    It's easiest to explain with an example. Start with this freecell game. Drag the 9 of diamonds (top leftmost)—you'll notice that all the all the cards will move out of the way (doing only simple obvious moves). Now drag it to the 10 of spades (on the right). If you hold the 9 there for a second the 2 of spades will move out of the way (to the foundation) letting you drop the 9. Actually you don't have to wait, but we delay it a bit so cards aren't constantly flying around the screen.

    Those 2 behaviors are what we were trying to describe. Note that not all games end up taking advantage of it (klondike doesn't do the first part, and while you can technically do the second part, it doesn't happen much because the piles are always in order).

  • Whoa! I've been playing Forty Thieves for close to a decade, and I never knew about that! Learn something every day, I guess.

  • David, sorry, my bad.. I was referring to Klondike 3 and forgot to include that fact. That's the game I win some hands but notice that I am often ~ a minute slower than some with the same number of moves, and I click at a pretty good pace.

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