Pyramid: What's the trick?

I'm fairly new to this site but have been playing Pyramid obsessively. But I feel like there is some big tip that I can't crack. My scores and times are good, but there are often a few folks who take much longer to play a game but who uncover more cards, so they end up higher on the leaderboard. Try as I might I cannot figure out what I might try to get more points in most games. Anybody willing to share any ideas / tips / hints? Thanks!


  • Look at what's covered higher up and often choosing a card other than the "default" will open a path to something you need. If more than one option is exposed for a given match, you can select which card is used, and it may open a route to another card that you will want. You can also back up (multiple plays, if needed) to

  • Thanks, I'll try it.

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