
Game: klondike
Game #: 1127940079

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Can ALL player's scores be put on the leaderboard please.Today.5/9/2017.my 32 is missing as is Nuevolatino's 32 and 5thDimension's 34.Thankyou.


  • i see what you mean

  • You should be able to see your scores for each and every time you've played a Game of The Day. I can see my awful scores as well as my good ones.

  • I see what you mean, if I click through to that game and look at the high scores I see this:
    High Scores for Game 1127940079

    Name Date Score Moves Time

    1 Batfink 2017/09/05 2:43am 52 123 1m0s
    2 suresh vora 2017/09/05 2:51am 52 124 1m55s
    3 Mozart6 2017/09/05 6:21am 52 134 2m4s
    4 madeliefje 2017/09/05 2:48am 52 138 2m8s
    5 MJK5 2017/09/05 2:27am 52 140 2m30s
    6 bobbie1 2017/09/05 3:04am 52 132 2m34s
    7 TomB187 2017/09/05 2:49am 52 127 3m0s
    8 Godblesspam 2017/09/05 2:23am 52 155 3m8s
    9 maggie09 2017/09/05 2:28am 17 98 3m16s
    10 Mylene 2017/09/05 2:54am 13 77 3m53s
    High score 1st through 8th all scored 52 then 9th scored 17. If people were logged in and scored 32, 32 and 34 they should be listed before the score of 17.

  • Player of the day means EVERY player depending on their highscores but their doesn't seem to be an explanation from the green felt guy??? There are players scoring higher than most on the leaderboard but don't get a mention.

    edited September 2017

    Where are you seeing those scores that aren't on the high score table? (for example your 32 score game)


    In particular I only see 2 klondike games from you in the last week with a score of 32 (seeds 1853569618 and 119809199 and both on 2017-09-02).

    Was there an error posted that you noticed after playing the game?

  • No and it's not just me,2 other people beat the 2nd highest score and they weren't on the leaderboard either


    Yes, but I'm trying to figure out if you are seeing the scores somewhere else or if these are players you know personally? (Are you all on the same network, could there be a network issue, or maybe you all played at the same time and there was a server outage right then…)

    After you finish a game, the browser sends off the game data to the server, then asks for the high score. Did you get a high score table after you finished your game (and if not, how do you know your score was 32?) If the high scores came up at the end, did they include your game?

  • Yes,I get the high score table every time.Today,6/62017.....game1176508104-score 38....game300066752-score 40....game310667994-score 42 None of these have registered on the leaderboard

  • Sorry 6/9/2017

  • Again this morninng,6/9/2017 Game113161010...Score 35,Game232487175...Score 33 THere is no sign of these on the leaderboard and at this current time (9.30am) 1min27secs is the high score,normally,that wouldn't make the top 10

  • i've had scores of 31 33 37 and 38 today and they not showing on leader board something wrong somewhere

  • 7/9/2017,9.45am...score 38.7/9/2017,9.55am....score 34.Again,these scores aren't registered on the leaderboard.So,what we have here is a leaderboard without leading scorers...Strange.

  • only showing my worst score ha ha

  • It only registers the score of the first time you complete a particular game. If you play the same game again and get a better score it wont show on the leader board - not sure if this may be the issue?

  • So,my scores of 27 and 29 this morning are irrelevant? Perhaps green felt need to clarify the meaning of 'leader' because it look's like I've been reading the wrong dictionary.


    Ok, I think I see the confusion. The leaderboard only shows results from the "game of the day". The "game of the day" is set to come up first when you load the page, and you can always get to it with the "Play the Game of the day" link under the logo.

    The leaderboard shows the last 7 games of the day. As of right now that means game number 4014239920, 274172484, 829072343, 1383972201, 1938872060, 2493771919, and 3048671778.

    Also when you say "score" you mean "time", I think. The score was 52 (since you beat the game) which was throwing me off trying to find your games.

  • I'll reiterate,my scores are irrelevant then? Unless they are played on the game of the day,they don't count for jack,right?So,can you explain to me why this isn't made clear when you post Leader Board on the top left of the page instead of just posting 'Game of the day' and telling your members than normal games they are presented with aren't worth contesting?I've also been told that your first score on game of the day is the only one that counts,right? And no matter how many times you play it,it won't improve your score,is that right?


    Irrelevant to the Leaderboard, yes. Only Games of the Day are counted on the leader board (note that the box on the Leaderboard that has all the different game high scores is titled "Today's Games of the day").

    The reasoning is that it's not fair to compare different "shuffles" to one another. If I play an easy game and win it in 30 seconds, is that better or worse than someone playing a hard game and winning it in 1:30? There's no easy answer to that question in my mind—it really depends on how well other people did in those games. So given that we only want to compare games results with the same starting state (the particular order of the cards after shuffling, or "seed" as we call it internally), then it follows that we only show Games of the Day on the leader board.

    The first score thing is close but not quite right. On the leader board we only count the first game of a particular score. So if you play a game and score 39 points, then replay it and score 52 points in 2 minutes, then replay again and score 52 points but in 1m30s, only your 39 point and 52/2m games will be eligible for the leader board. In other words, you're allowed to replay to improve your score, but not to improve your time.
    The reason we did that is to discourage people playing over and over and over to incrementally decrease the time (the high score tables would fill up with a single person, which was annoying).

    Note that the when you view high score from a game page there is a checkbox called "Show a player's first score, not their fastest", which controls that behavior on that high score table (but it doesn't control the leader board).

  • Ok,I understand and accept that...to a point but the games aren't random (I think you said everyone get's the same set of games and they are changed every hour to make it a fairer system) so that somewhat negates your theory of different shuffles..unless of course,you understandably don't expect every player to be on site for an hour.Secondly,isn't technology such that you could negate a player's previous score to supersede it with his/hers improved one thus not cluttering up the scoreboard?I'm no I.T. wizard so maybe I'm oversimplifying that point.
    There will be a lot of people on here who will scoff at my comments on this point,the one's who say ''it's free'',it's a bit of fun''and '' get a life'' but I have a competitive edge and I don't mind being hammered by 'arriba' every time because it drive's me to improve my game thus spending more time on the site.
    Having had my gripe, I will say that this is still the best solitaire site I've been on.Thank you for you patience.

  • I really don't understand the objection here. If you want to know how your game stands up against other players in a particular shuffle, just click "High Scores". Done and dusted. Doing it the way you suggest, commingling all the different results from all the different shuffles, makes absolutely no sense at all.

    Notice that the Game of the Day usually gets 20-50 times as many plays, or more, as other shuffles; lots of players play ONLY the Game of the Day in any particular game, then either quit or move on to a different game, while some others (like me) just keep hammering away at their favorite game (Forty Thieves, in my case). I frequently end up in games that have been played fewer than a hundred times, while the GotD gets close to 6,000. Thus, I usually make top ten in Forty Thieves, and pretty often top the table, at least for a while -- but in the GotD, I'm lucky to break the top hundred.

    As far as I'm concerned, Greenfelt is already perfect.

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