
I don't understand the scoring. I am slower than most of the other players yet I am placed in a higher ranking than them. For example:I was placed at #2 with a Score of 52-145 moves 2m42s. Someone else was # 5 with a score of 19-95 moves 2m19s. Why was that?



    Normally scores are sorted first by score, then (in the case of tie) by time. It sounds like you scored 52 points and #5 only scored 19 points. This means you won the game (52 points means you got 52 cards into the foundations, assuming you are playing a foundation-based game) while #5 only got 19 cards into the foundations. This is why you are listed higher—you did better than they did.

    Time (or moves, if you've elected to sort by moves) only comes into play when the scores are the same. For instance, most Freecell games are winnable and so the high score list is all people who have beat it. That means their scores are all 52 and so they are all "tied" on score. So at that point the game time comes into play.

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