Feature Requests
What in sams hill are these previous requests about ?? Am i missing the request or is this just jibberish. Get to the point in 15 words or less if possible.
Someone's seeing what happens if they post spam in the comments. David and Jim will remove it, I imagine, when they have a chance. They've got the site configured so no one can post very obvious spam, links to bogus websites, et cetera, but cannot block jibberish, easily.
Thanks for the answer These discussions are all a long bit of nonsense but thats just my opinion. not right for this site right.
Yeah, it was just spam. I've deleted it.
Thanks guys this is why this is the best site ever. Win loose or draw I love it all. Keep up with the good work. I just like playing the games you guys provide for us players BIG YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Thanks again rewind