Freecell - no replay option

I was brainstorming ways to stop the ridiculously fast completion times...What do you think of getting rid of the replay button to keep the game more genuine?


  • Wasn't my answer to your last complaint, about this, enough? What "ridiculously fast completion times" are you talking about and why are you finding them so troublesome?

  • I seldom replay a game but on occasion I do when I have missed some moves. Also at times there is more than one move that could be made. I will replay to see if it would have made a difference in my score if I had of chosen a different option. I also sometimes get distracted and want to replay the game.

    While I respect your opinions I feel as if many of us appreciate the replay option.

    Just to add...I never replay just to "beat" someone elses score...I just say...Oh well.

    edited August 2017

    I use the Replay button all the time, as well, to see if I can improve my score.

  • LittleHannah just think about what you are endeavouring to achieve with your brainstorming for ideas to rig the games differently - it is surely just an alternative form of cheating albeit one that is more acceptable to your inclination and without the history and experience/expertise many of the players have accumulated and acquired!

    Username LittleHannah89 Email Joined August 7 Visits 2 Last Active August 9 Roles REGISTERED Register IP Last IP

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