catching and deleting robot scores

Some games have all the top scores on the leaderboard as 6 or so seconds. That's robots playing, right? If so, is there any way to get them omitted on the leaderboard to see who is actually winning top scores?


ps- I love your website. I use to play freecell all the time (i actually had a spreadsheet right when computers came out that I marked the freecell game number on when I completed one. My goal was to play and win every single game but once I became a teenager that dream kinda disappeared). Anyway, 10 years later I forgot how much I loved it until I found your website!


  • Robots? Practically everyone on this site has complained about the extremely fast wins and high scores. I'll tell you how it's done, so you can achieve those fast wins, too. Practice, practice, practice, and more practice, as well as a knowledge of how to play the games, quickly and effortlessly. No one is really cheating, are they?

  • If you'd like to play these games in order, click on the yellow game number of any game. (To the right of Auto Finish.) You can enter any number from 1 to 1,000,000,000, then click Enter (on your keyboard) to play that game.

  • If you were to take the "timer" out of the game unless it is needed to break a tie it seems to me that might solve the problem. Would it work that way? Those fast times don't really bother me much but I agree it would be nice to eliminate them from the winner's list sometimes to see who actually made the fewest moves maybe. Oh well, this is still the best place to just chill and play some fun games

  • Sage, Now that you have once again soothed the suspicious, can you fix the offensive Mr. Hukker and Ms. Huntsmells? The hearts and flowers don't quite do it. A needless distraction . . .

  • I'm sorry, rilla, I'm just a player, like everyone else. I have no extraordinary, or administrative, powers. I will say, though, if people can't be civilized, in polite company, or outside their social environment, that's their own downfall.

  • Impossible scores on Sirtet.
    NeedaDifferentScreenName 2016/09/11 8:18pm 1271422725 522872 1h27m

  • Thank you, Sage. At least I know that others have noticed them. You are quite right about incivility being its own downfall—as you are about so many things. Will try to be patient.

  • Six second finish times exceed humanly possible achievement. It would involve moving your fingers quicker than the necessary nerve impulses would allow. No matter who you are and how much you practice there is limit based on biology and physics that perception and expertise cannot exceed.

  • So, what game has a score of 6 seconds?

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