
Game: addiction
Game #: 692651831

What would you like to see? In the rules how scoring works


  • Addiction has weird scoring. It's kind of buried in the FAQ, but here's how it works:

    How are Scorpion, Maze, Gaps, and Addiction scored?

    The score is based on the lengths of the runs of cards of the same suit. Here's a table that explains it:
    Number of cards in a run Resulting score
    13 13
    12 11
    11 9
    10 7
    9 6
    8 5
    7 4
    6 3
    5 2
    4 1
    3 0
    2 0
    1 0
    The max is 13 so that a complete game's score is 52, like the foundation based games. It's not linear so that it rewards games with longer runs. We didn't want someone with a run of 6 and a run of 7 to score the same as someone with a run of 13 (since the 13 was probably harder to achieve).


    Agreed—the scoring should be in the rules instead of buried in the FAQ. Addiction, Gaps, Maze, and Scorpion now all have a scoring section in the rules, adapted from the FAQ entry.

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