spontaineous moves, ie. unwanted moves, by the program

Game: freecell
Game #: 6109
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0
JS-Version: 2017-07-16_16:45:44_-0700_4b5b3b9605cc50a444ab356daa845182b1497250

Please describe the problem in detail:

I've written about this earlier. The Free Cell game will make moves on its' own. And when I attempt to "un-do" the move, the thrice cursed card jumps back to the unwanted position. What can I do to disenable this annoying action. It detracts from the enjoyment of the game.
Al Dearden
AKA acdtt


  • Clicking or dragging a card that isn't immediately accessible will attempt to move all the cards above it in its stack until the move is valid. The effect will be the same as clicking each card. If you cancel the drag or undo the move, all the cards will go back to where they were.

    Dragging a card or cards to the middle of a stack will attempt to move all the cards above the destination out of the way. The effect is the same as clicking each card. To see where the cards will move, hold the dragged card(s) at the destination for a second. If you decide to move the dragged card(s) somewhere else, just drag them there and the other cards will go back to where they were. Undoing the move will also move the cards back.

    If you drag a card or cards to the middle of a stack and the cards that move away would be valid to move back on top of the dragged card(s), then they'll slide out of the way and let you just slip the card(s) in.

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