Leader Board Score vs Game of the Day Score ?
When checking High Score on the Game Page I am #6 at 38s, but when I go to the Leader Board I am Listed as #11, does anyone know why?
2948493092 game of the day
6 **jayG 2017/07/10 9:12am 52 88 **38s
Leader board game of the day
11 jayG 2017/07/10 6:38am 52 80 53s
On the high score page, try clicking the "Show a player's first score, not their fastest" option (below the table) on and off to see how it affects your placing. The Leader Board has that option always enabled.
Thanks Dave, but it stays the same. The leader board shows my first score , it was my second score that was faster.
I didn't know the Leader Board only posted your first score.