pyramid game

Game: pyramid
Game #: 472126664

I find it extremely irritating that I cannot play the cards I want to, the game picks which cards will be played. If there are two queens showing and an ace in the card pile, it will pick the queen it likes and I cannot use strategy by choosing the queen I want. Also I would prefer it not do anything automatically-I enjoy playing my OWN game.

What would you like to see?


  • Totally take out the automatic playing and let me play my game.

  • If you want to play a different card, just quickly press Ctrl-z (which is the same as clicking Undo) and the wrong card will come back off and you can manually play the one you want.


    In particular, dragging the card instead of clicking it will let you put it wherever you want (within the rules).

    We've talked about not just randomly choosing a card when you single click and there are more than one equal choice, but it's not implemented yet.

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