Message to Sage

Firstly, thank you for your efforts to placate the mindless, selfish complaining that has been going on recently. Clearly there is a very significant proportion of the internet card game playing populace with no understanding of the meaning of 'forum' and hence not the common sense to look there for answers to the first question that comes to mind - 'is this a problem affecting other players as well?' Many seem to feel they have been targeted for special treatment. Perhaps they should be!

Secondly, since you seem to have a better understanding of the problems than many of us, do you have any comments on the latest error messages that have been arriving in the last couple of hours (for me, anyway), which include a complicated error number and the message that 'the developers have been notified'. Might this actually be the beginning of the end of Green Felt working at all?

Thirdly, I'm intrigued to know who you are? Are your responses out of the goodness of your heart, or are you connected to 'the developers" (we know who they are) in some way? If the latter, I imagine you will choose not to respond to this paragraph.


  • The last time we had a similar error message, the greenfelt guys were doing work on the site. I'm not sure if that is what is happening now, hopefully it is not the end.


    Jim and I have been working on moving the database to a new machine today. It took a long time because the first attempt wasn't fast enough to handle the site and so I had to go to Fry's and buy an (expensive) ssd (which I was hoping to avoid). While moving the db we stopped the old db completely, which accounts for the maintenance error message. The other error message was probably when I stopped the error database, as it was registering a ton of errors and filling up the disk. As of this second, we're running off the new database and things look like they might be stabilized. We'll know more tomorrow. If things look good tomorrow I'll probably make a blog post for more visibility.

  • Think were right Jabba as like nt599 I was locked out of it but now looking good again (but could do without the forum ?!?) and now Sage will have more time to actually play :). Very very glad to have your message David, loads of thanks

  • Woo, I just got super excited because the leader board came up. I will post it just in case for anyone still having issues. Thanks greenfelt guys - and as expressed, if cost is an issue some of us are happy to chip in.

  • Thanks all, and very especially David and Jim. More than happy to chip in. Just need to know how....

  • Thank you guys!!

  • I want to add my thank you to the list. I have enjoyed this site since joining over two years ago and hope to enjoy it for years to come.

    Thank you for your time and effort (and expense) to keep it up and running for us.

    From an avid fan of Green Felt

  • Hip, hip, HOORAY!!! You guys are awesome, hence the equally awesome gaming site you have provided for us to occupy some of our time.

  • Such patience with such mindless garbage should be rewarded. Thank you is way too small for your efforts.

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you! With the realization that server load increases exponentially with the number of players and number of games, and you had a billion entries a year ago, the performance is truly impressive. Hopefully it will continue after all users log in again. Yes, let's go for crowd funding to cover your costs....

  • I thought of this before, but since I was having my own financial troubles last March, and had been looking for a job, and was fraught with concern about my own future, and needed to take care of my son's and my own immediate needs, I did not put it forward as an question. Could we organize a Fund for to help with the cost of the IT Dept's (David and Jim) expenses in keeping the site going the way the users would like it to continue to work? I would be willing to contribute. If enough of us gave $10, $15, or $20, whenever we could, it might make it easier for them to keep things up and playing.

  • I am game!!

  • I'm 76. Been playing this for a year. Listened to all the complaining that it wasn't working right. Like the users are thinking they are "entitled for it to run perfectly" even tho they don't contribute a nickle toward it. Even now complaining that they didn't log out. Really sad. Anyway I THANK YOU for having this site for us to enjoy. Just being able to play without a worn out deck of cards in arthritic hands is great. Who cares whether you are the highest score?? It's a game, not a life or death situation. It is a good suggestion that we could contribute somehow to help defray the costs. Thank You and may God Bless you and yours.

  • Thank you so much Green Felt guys!! Thanks for your persistence. It sounded like it was very challenging. This site is so great, it's nice to have it running well again. And thanks to Sage for his gracious responses to some often rude feedback. Class displayed by all involved. Thanks again!!

  • Thank you Green Felt Guys! I enjoy the games and am happy all is well again. Count me in for $$$ contribution. Let us know how/where to send.

  • Yessss! Kudos. And kudos to the yea-sayers during the down time.

    Would like to contribute, too, but I'm 87, don't need the hassle of credit cards, etc.

  • Adding my thanks and willingness to chip in. You guys are wonderful.

  • I would be thrilled to be able to send you a few bucks for server/disk/bandwidth. Thanks for everything.

    I think it's safe to say that the flood of bitching is just a sign of how much people love this site and get antsy when it's not working properly.

  • I'm in to help with costs.

  • Myself as well!

  • benturpin
    I've been playing since the problems started pretty regularly . Quite hard for a while to get scores , using all the tips from Sage and all you other guys helped out , even some times I couldn't get logged in . I stuck with it and eventually things did improve more often than not . Finally looks pretty good from here . A VERY BIG salute to Jim and Dave for all the effort , and honestly I had no doubt whatsoever that we would be back to playing as before ( and losing just as often , lol ). My only sorry spot about the whole episode was the comments , or should I say orders , to FIX IT ! just like a spoiled little kid would say . And I have to add most of the bitching was from players who had just joined or had only been here a short while . Takes all kinds I guess . Thanks again guys and let's get at it ..

  • How can we all donate some $

  • Most games have an "Atta Boy" after winning, and that has been shown to boost one's moral and relieve stress. That was truly missed during the backend server issue and I can understand everyone's frustration not seeing their scores. Out of one billion served there has to be some that want to voice their frustration, so don't rag on them too much. Save that for the politicians. Our society is accustomed to instant gratification, why would this website be any different? I got a hoot out of reading the comments when I got bored with not seeing my scores and even wondered if Jim and David had abandoned us. Thanks, they did not and conquered the daunting challenge.
    Live the dream, Tim from Kansas

    edited June 2017

    Thank you for your kind words, nt599. I have been deeply entrenched in these card games for nine years and developed a habit of reading the forum posts. About three years ago I got into the habit of answering the often repeated queries: how to change the cards sizes, or deck pictures, or the ever enjoyable, and multitudinous, complaints, on holidays, about the card suits changing colours. So, when the complaints started about no leader board, and no scores, the error boxes, et cetera, I thought it would help if I posted the reasons, that I could find, by searching through the forum posts, and googling "back-end server", why this was happening. I found out, very quickly, that I was exceedingly optimistic that this would help matters. (It does seem that everyone can figure out how to report a complaint but not how to find where to look for the answer to their complaint. Perhaps it's the ability to complain that matters, more than the answer.)

    So, no, I didn't know what the new error message was but hoped that things were happening with repairs.

    And, no, I am not affiliated with this site, or know the developers, David and Jim, at all. Just one of those helping, problem solving, people who enjoys addressing complaints. I expect it's a Canadian attitude... :smile:

    I would also like to say to David and Jim that I'm extremely glad that this site is back to normal, and better than ever, and that I, too, would be very glad to donate what I can and ask you to set up a repair fund so I, and everyone else, can show our appreciation for keeping this site going and giving us much enjoyment. Thank you...

  • Hey Sage, I was just playing forty thieves and noticed you had high score on a game from earlier this evening. Nice to see your name on the board. Glad you're back to playing and not having to deal with complaints. :) Play on!

  • wow....!!! have to say that this error had something positive also ;-) we all know more about how much work and money is behind something that we just consume and enjoy...

    so also big thanx to the greenfelt guys !!! and to sage !!!

    yes and me too i would like to donate something for this cool site that i love so much...

    anybody has an answer how we could do for opening a kind of fund ?
    maybe asking the greenfelt guys ?

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