failure to report scores!!!

Game: klondike
Game #: 1286065342
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; rv:11.0) like Gecko
JS-Version: 2017-04-05_17:33:43_-0700_c8a3c4cd5d0bce8c22caed806f7cea6084263fb3

Please describe the problem in detail:

How much longer are you going to ignore my requesting to post the scores. To me this reprersents poor customer service. This is why I play the games-for the competition. I am playing against myself FIX IT!!!!!!



  • Customer service??? How much are you paying for this customer service??? If they don't fix it...what then??? Will you leave and find another site??? Have you even bothered to read any of the hundreds (maybe thousands) of other posts pertaining to this matter??? If you took a few minutes to do your research maybe you would be able to figure out that your demands are just 1 in a 1000 that haven't been responded to. My advice would be to learn to figure out a way to enjoy this site as is or find a site that you are happier with.

    Here is what my response to you was on your previous demand...

    Maybe they are spending all their time reading the hundreds of complaints that are posted here daily...over and over.

    Truth of the matter is...would you spend your time (in between your job that pays the time...leisure time...and all the other things in life that needs to be done) fixing a site for total internet strangers that doesn't make you a single flat dime. Matter of fact...the repairs to this site will cost them money...time.

    I don't much as I wish this site to be fixed (selfish on my part because I truly enjoy this site more than any other site that I have played on) I understand why they might not.

    You do realize don't you that you pay not one single dime to use this site? You do realize that there are no ads that pop up in the middle of your game to annoy you. To have that experience means...that they have no source of revenue from this site...zilch...nada...NONE! They have done this all free of charge at their own expense...what do they get in return...

    Complaints...demands...threats that the FREE users will leave unless it is fixed.

    One of the reasons that the problems exist with this site...users have found this FREE site/FREE of ads to be so enjoyable that it has overloaded their server. It costs money to upgrade that server...time...

    Shame on the Green Felt guys for creating a FREE/NO AD site that is so enjoyable that it has grown far larger than what they ever expected when they started...

    Have you ever given a gift to someone and all they did was complain and criticize? Really wanted to make you give them another gift didn't it?

    Sorry for the long rant people...I just don't get how people think they have the right to complain about something that #1 is FREE and #2 that they are not forced to use this site...there are certainly numerous other options...they are free to leave and find somewhere else to play.

  • Well said, Nan01! I also don't know why people think that they're entitled to bitch and complain so much on a free website with no advertising, or why they can't be bothered to read some of the responses which give them a way to get their scores.

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