cheats !!!!!!!!

helpsiehelpsie REGISTERED
edited January 2009 in Bug Reports
Hi it seems we still have cheats on this site.Not naming anyone but 10 seconds to do flower garden,you must be super human.


  • We also seem to have cheats on Seahaven Towers. It is impossible to do it in 21 seconds. I just can't figure out how he/she does it.
  • No, it's not cheating. Just know how to get it done quickly. Nothing but a keyboard and a mouse.
    buckshot wrote:
    No, it's not cheating. Just know how to get it done quickly. Nothing but a keyboard and a mouse.
    So you're playing anonymously first, then logging in and replicating your game as fast as possible?
  • Don't consider that method to be cheating. It allows multiple trys until you get it right, while it keeps from filling the top scores of the day with the same individual repeating trys to get a fast time. It doesn't obviate the score.
  • But you do realize that, when you're signed in, only the time of your first "perfect" score is recorded, and the subsequent better. or worse, times are not. Yet you don't consider what you're doing to be duplicitous?
  • If you look at a given day of Sea Haven Towers scores, you will often see the same player with multiple entries indicating multiple successful plays of the game. I've never found the site to only record the first success, it records every play.

    If it did behave as suggested - only the first success is recorded, than playing without logging in less might be less than completely honest. But since a person can play as many times as they like in an attempt to improve their score, I don't think posting your best score in duplicitous. It doesn't make the score any less real and it allows a player to look for innovative ways to solve the puzzle quickly, which is the point of having a time-based scoring system.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • Take, for example, the Seahaven Towers game of the day that started last night. If you go to the game, and click on the High Scores button, you'll get a list that, at 2:40 p.m. EST, looked like this:

    buckshot 2009/01/14 8:40am 301270438 52 32s
    Bo Evil 2009/01/14 7:16am 301270438 52 41s
    wishy 2009/01/13 10:22pm 301270438 52 49s
    jemmd 2009/01/14 12:04am 301270438 52 1m21s
    jemmd 2009/01/14 12:06am 301270438 52 1m41s
    jemmd 2009/01/13 11:59pm 301270438 52 1m42s
    jemmd 2009/01/14 1:06am 301270438 52 1m43s
    jemmd 2009/01/14 12:01am 301270438 52 1m44s
    helpsie 2009/01/14 8:50am 301270438 52 1m46s
    Sage 2009/01/13 9:49pm 301270438 52 1m48s

    But, if you go to the Leader Board, and look at Today's Games of The Day, again at 2:40 p.m. EST, there's a list that looked like this:

    Seahaven Towers:
    Name Date Game # Score Time
    buckshot 2009/01/14 8:40am 301270438 52 32s
    Bo Evil 2009/01/14 7:16am 301270438 52 41s
    wishy 2009/01/13 10:22pm 301270438 52 49s
    helpsie 2009/01/14 8:50am 301270438 52 1m46s
    Sage 2009/01/13 9:49pm 301270438 52 1m48s
    tamarap 2009/01/14 1:10am 301270438 52 1m50s
    cissal 2009/01/13 9:53pm 301270438 52 1m57s
    slacker 2009/01/14 4:03am 301270438 52 2m0s
    jim 2009/01/13 9:14pm 301270438 52 2m14s
    klick 2009/01/13 9:09pm 301270438 52 2m15s

    I take this to mean that jemmd played more games than the five listed and that his/her first score of 52 was made in more time than the last score on this board of 2m15s.

    And that is just my opinion, as well.
  • And I forgot to sign in for the above post.
  • Very interesting . . . I'll admit I usually don't look at the leader board, just that day's high score box. I wonder if the difference between the in-game high-score and the leader board is intentional?

    Does add strength to your argument, no doubt. Food for thought,

    I still like to see how fast I can go through playing over and over. I got the sense from the original post that there was concern that it wasn't possible to play the game that fast and that the "cheating" was somehow manipulating the gameplay, which as we've discussed, it's not. As to whether it's cheating to do so not logged in, I suppose that depends on whether the delta between the today's high-score and the leader board is intentional or a bug.
    buckshot wrote:
    Very interesting . . . I'll admit I usually don't look at the leader board, just that day's high score box. I wonder if the difference between the in-game high-score and the leader board is intentional?
    Yes, it is intentional. Sort of. :-) The leader board intentionally shows your *first* game, rather than your fastest. See the blog post we made about it here.

    We didn't make the same change to the main high score page because we think it's fun to see the last game you played on the table.

    In the future we'd like to reconcile this by making the game high score be like the leader board for every one but you. That is, we'd always show your score in the list, however many times you've played.

  • I am not sure if this is possible, but had a thought when looking at the redial button on my phone. Could it be possible to arrange your computer so that once the game has been played and won at a slower time, you could then hit a button so that it is replayed at maximum speed. Would explain the 10second issue.

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