HELP --- Bug reports and other discussions don't recognize me

Game: pyramid
Game #: 1597202908

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I'd like to comment on other comments, but "New Discussion" is the only topic that will recognize me. The others ask me to sign in or register before I can comment, and I AM signed in AND registered. But when I go to sign in, it takes me back to the "sign in" window. Here's a comment I wanted to add to some of the backserver concerns.

"In Pyramid, I have started clicking the "High Scores" tab BEFORE I start the game. Usually within four clicks, it will "Load scores" for the game (other responses are about the backserver not being available). If id does load the scores, I can figure my score (cards moved out of 28) and compare it. If it doesn't load, then I just do a new game without playing the one that won't give me the score first."


  • I still can't comment on existing wants me to "Comment As," asks me to login and then won't post my comment, again asking me to "Comment as." I really love this site and would be willing to donate to help ensure its continuity.

  • As Green Felt seems to be running normally, again, you should be able to sign in, and stay signed in, again, too.

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