Speed of Game (Forty Thieves)

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited June 2008 in Feature Requests
I'm new to this website, so I don't know if the game speed is already set OR if my computer is just unusually slow. When I click on cards to move them to another pile (in Forty Thieves), it takes way too long for the move to happen. Is there something I can do to speed things up? Thanks. :?


    jamiellen wrote:
    I'm new to this website, so I don't know if the game speed is already set OR if my computer is just unusually slow. When I click on cards to move them to another pile (in Forty Thieves), it takes way too long for the move to happen. Is there something I can do to speed things up? Thanks. :?
    It should be really zippy. Is the dragging of the cards slow? Or is it the animation when you double click a card?
    Do you know how fast you're computer is (in MHz)?


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