Back end server not available....why????
Game: freecell
Game #: 1380879094
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 9_3_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13G36 Safari/601.1
JS-Version: 2017-04-25_17:53:12_-0700_eaa9e613a231fa243beeb6ed1fbfa70ad1f16073
Please describe the problem in detail:
See discussion title. Are you a victim of the ransomware cyber attack?
Is the game a victim of recent cyber attack?
The problem has nothing to do with the recent cyber attack, it has been going on for more than a month. It's because there are more of us playing the games on this site than the Greenfelt equipment can handle. It is taking time, effort, and expense, by the the creators of this site, to solve the problem.
I have found that often (not always) when a scoring error message appears, by clicking on the "High Scores" tab, it will recalculate and bring up the scores. Sometimes, though, it just repeats the message. I've had about 50% success in reclaiming scores that way.