I almost never get the high-score board anymore.

This may be related to another change I noticed recently. I used to see new games every day. Now I often get games I've played before. I know this because I started seeing my name in the leader board for a game. The dates on the games of one board (attached) range from 4/18/17 to 5/13/17. This gives your system a lot more games to process. I don't know if this affects the generation of the high-score board, but ever since I started seeing the same games over and over again, the high-score board has been taking longer and longer to appear.


  • I was having this problem a few weeks ago with each game showing thousands of results collected over a number of days. Someone had posted a suggestion which worked for me. Go through the leader board, top of page, then select your game by its game of the day. This should bring you up to date for the day and the hour. If new games are still presenting with the problem then back to the leaderboard approach. I had to repeat this process for each game until I had rid myself of the "corrupted" games. All good now.

  • I really don't want to go through all that. I want them to fix whatever bugs they introduced to their system.

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