Username checker suggested
Game: freecell
Game #: 2004337964
What would you like to see?
A truly good feature I recommend for your games, especially my favorite (FreeCell) should be: a "user-name checker" to make sure we do not have to be offended every time we check the top scores! This evening in particular, I have noted at least two of the top usernames have the F-word in their chosen "nicknames" so to say. I have decided not to play. I will check later to see if you have fixed that "bug" with the suggested tiny feature that would be highly appreciated.
I agree. I have reported a couple of unpleasant names in the past. Not sure if anything was done, but I haven't seen them since.
I rarely pay attention to things such as that so since my time here I have only seen a couple of names that are questionable. I just figure they are struggling for attention and that they hope that their "nickname" will get them some. Truly sad if you think about it. is too short to be offended by some stranger on the internet.
We have a system in place, but it's not automatic—automation leads too easily to the Scunthorpe problem. So we appreciate people telling us when someone has an offensive name. And as distasteful as it might be, it's really helpful to tell us exactly (verbatim) which names are bugging them—we've got over 100,000 registered users, so it's really hard to find a specific person based on vague euphemisms.