smaller format

Game: freecell
Game #: 157440671

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  • smaller format

  • Do you mean smaller cards?

  • Games too difficult

  • No. Level of difficulty is the problem

  • Hi @BBChandler I also found free cell difficult to solve when I first started playing the game, often I’d spend ages trying without getting far and be amazed that the top ten players had managed to find their way through the games in under a minute.

    But I just kept plodding along until through repetitive practice I began to see patterns of play that helped with making decisions about which cards to move. My motivation to keep on was that almost all free cell games are solvable so there must be a solution lurking somewhere.

    I’m still not super speedy but I find that I’m a lot quicker and less daunted by the games than before.

    Some games are easier than others but there’s only one way to find out - keep at it. And good luck :)

  • BBChandler - agree with fingsaint. Would take me 1/2 hour to 1 hr to finish - if at all - a freecell game when I first started. Now I average 3-6 minutes. After months of dogged playing, began to see patterns. It's an AHA! moment when you begin to see card patterns. Another suggestion: let the cards be your lead. I would bulldoze to try to get to aces when, often, a slower, round about approach works better. Play on and have fun. You're playing for your own satisfaction.

  • PS ... and sometimes I still can't figure it out

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