Not everyone plays the same ame.

Game: klondike
Game #: 421524007
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0
JS-Version: 2017-03-20_13:45:16_-0700_a12f6d5a639285330b57d0176a99377b36624118

Game # 421524007 had 41 players. Eight made five points, Thirty-three made zero points. I played twice and just played the first card on the stack, an ace. I came in ninth with one point. All others had zero. There were three aces in the stack. There have to be two different games at least. I've seen this several times.


    edited March 2017

    The 41 players count is confusing. It counts anonymous players which aren't shown in the high score table. So 32 anonymous players played that game # and most got 5 points (I tried and got the high score with 8, hah!), and 9 named players played, including you. Interestingly, the highest score was 15 but you can't see it because it was an anonymous player.

    Also, there were even more games played but we don't show or count zero scores—a lot of people just keep hitting "New Game" until they see a shuffle they like. Those 2 or 3 second zero score, zero move games get stored but we make sure they never get counted for anything. We should probably not even save those--they're pointless.

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