High Score list?

I play Klondike 3 Turn and have only sporadically received the high score list after I win a game. This has been happening for about a month, I think. Is this just my experience, or is it a general bug?



    It's not just your experience, it seems to be happening to a bunch of people. But it's not universal—95% of the people playing don't seem to be seeing this, as best we can tell. We still get over 10,000,000 games played per week.

    That said, we still want to fix it, it's just really hard because we don't have access to a browser that is failing—All our computers are working (and I've personally tried to recreate the problem on a bunch of machines and OSes).

    The problem seems to be https related. All the bug reports I've seen have their URLs show up in the bug report as just 'http', but we don't support plain http any more. This is a "this can't happen" type of bug, but it's clearly happening. Jim and I are both baffled. I was kind of hoping it was a caching error and that it would go away after a week or 2 when caches got scrubbed, but that doesn't seem to be it.

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