
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited March 2008 in Bug Reports
Why do the highest score change after the initial posting? Is there some sort of collusion going on to keep some people in the high numbers? I make a score and a few hours later it's posted as a minutes higher score. What good is registering if you arbitrarily change the scores to reflect inaccurate scores.


    barq wrote:
    Why do the highest score change after the initial posting? Is there some sort of collusion going on to keep some people in the high numbers? I make a score and a few hours later it's posted as a minutes higher score. What good is registering if you arbitrarily change the scores to reflect inaccurate scores.
    If your score is changing after you have placed it then that is a bug! We do not alter anyone's score after the fact. Is it your score or other people's that is changing? Can you post an example (which user, which game, what time, score, etc.) of what you see so we can look into it?

    I strikes me that what you might be seeing is a consequence of a leader board change we made a while back. There's a blog entry about it that you can read about here.

    Basically, if you play the game twice and get the same score, only the first will be shown on the leader board. If you play the game again and get a higher score, that *will* be shown.

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