regarding moves and times

Game: klondike

Game #: 1191937138

Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.116 Safari/537.36

Please describe the problem in detail:

On game # 1191937138 I was first in moves (133) but not in times. No one else had finished game with just 133 moves. So why was I not first in times as well. ??


  • A couple of points, and they are:

    I also compete in the moves column, because I'm not good enough to compete on times like the real players do. Accept your intermediate level, and stop whining.

    Searched some math based free cell sites and found one with a bell shaped graph showing the minimum moves for 100k deals. The top of the bell was around thirty, and fifty moves covered 99% of the hands. Again I say, accept your intermediate level, and stop whining.

    The point of puzzles is fun, and you are thinking wrong.

  • A couple of points, and they are:

    I also compete in the moves column, because I'm not good enough to compete on times like the real players do. Accept your intermediate level, and stop whining.

    Searched some math based free cell sites and found one with a bell shaped graph showing the minimum moves for 100k deals. The top of the bell was around thirty, and fifty moves covered 99% of the hands. Again I say, accept your intermediate level, and stop whining.

    The point of puzzles is fun, and you are thinking wrong.

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