is klondike 3 turn games exactly I mean Identical to all the players that are playing it?

or do they have some twitches (programming) so that some players can have better routes and made it easier for them to solve it which is not available for the majority of the other players, Id been playing klondike 3T for about 6 months and got first place about 20 times and for most of the games that I won it took me about at least 4 min or more on the average to solve it and about 115 moves but I noticed that many players win it in less than a min I mean in matters of seconds in about the same number of moves, how can this possibly be? unless we are not playing exactly the same identical game for all the players of one particular game,
If this is true I find it very unfair cuz for the majority of us who are really struggling to make ends meet while only a few are cruising without making any effort to win at all its really unfair. Does anybody have a better idea how can anybody win in matters of seconds? or Im I missing something big? and thanks for all your efforts

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