Are you guys originally from Canada? Or just near it? I find it a bit hard to differentiate the leaf from the Diamond. How about some luscious lips that look like a heart? We should really be out giving each other kisses and hugs and boosting each other's self-worth, instead of sitting in front of our machines and problem-solving this little card game by ourselves. I admit it takes my mind off my problems, but I wish I could just help this crazy world be a little less crazy. I live in NYC, although originally I am a New Englander going back to 1604, and NYC is turning into the most expensive mall in the world. All the great neighborhoods are disappearing. It is filling up with the super-rich, mostly foreigners, so that the people and families who survived here for years and did the jobs that supported these rich companies and their owners, can no longer survive - the rents and cost of living have sky-rocketed to impossible heights where our incomes just do not cover our basics needs - food & shelter. Capitalism is not the principle that our country was built upon. That idea came out of the industrial revolution after products became so quick and easy to produce, so the idea of greed and materialism just spread like wildfire around our nation. We were built on the idea of democracy. NOT on government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations. Americans have become so full of entitlement and selfish narcissism. We use to work hard and appreciate what we had, and were much less wasteful - especially within our communities. Now everywhere, all I see is lie, lie, lie, take, take, take, give me, give me, give me. People dont even look each other in the eye anymore. Must keep on keeping on....and loving them regardless. And beat a game of solitaire every once and a while.
Avoid overgeneralizing. "Americans have become so full of . . ." Not so. Not ALL. You aren't, right? I'm not. That's two. Keep the ball rolling.
Revisit history. Same dynamic going on in 1604. Wampum for food doubled in 1605. Some Puritans said "gimme." Didn't look people in the eye. Too cold out.
Insist on one person, one vote, wherever we live. Insist that nominees have intelligence, integrity, and expertise. After all, they work for US.
Devise a national grid for economics. See how raising the price of a quart of milk in Salt Lake nudges the grid by what percent. A one-point increase in interest rates . . .
Take advantage of DNA research. Find the cause of depression, what will help.
Identify and contain evildoers. Forget nature, nurture, philosophies and "Why in the world would a person do that?" Only one thing in common: they are murderous thugs.
Remember the manager who started the day by walking through the cubicles asking, "Is anything okay?" Lots of grins and nods to that.
Think of solitaire as warm-up exercise for the brain, not escape, not time wasted.
Don't call me Pollyanna. I am 86, have seen it all. I know that what will NOT fix what is awry are committees, commissions, congresses, commentators, consultants, caucuses, or coruscating twitters.
Dear nelb,
Thanks for your response. I am glad someone did. I will read it carefully. Although I do not think my DNA has anything to do with my slight depression. Perhaps a nacissistic mother, self-worth problems, and childhood sexual abuse against this incredibly, intelligent, hardworking, and giving young girl, who then began to feel worthless and thought it had to be all her fault. Some things do come from outside sources, not from DNA, although most happiness must come from within and go out. Most everyone has a different life experience. Even though we are all allegedly the "same or equal" as human beiings, we all have lived incredibly different lives. Sorry darling, but nurture does have something to do with it. And by the way, Levi-Strauss & Co, lied to me about a temp job which was suppose to last 3 months, but only lasted 6 weeks barely . I am having trouble getting steady work, since the wholesale decor art company I worked for - for nearly 15 years - closed 2 years ago because they could not compete with those incredibly cheap Chinese markets. Back to Seahaven Towers. then back to the worksearch, on July 4, 2016!
why not just go to the restore regular deck instead of complaining ?
much easier and less stress and we canucks can be happy with our maple leafs for the one day before they restore the normal deck , after all it was only in recognition of of our Canada day celebrations.
Are you guys originally from Canada? Or just near it? I find it a bit hard to differentiate the leaf from the Diamond. How about some luscious lips that look like a heart? We should really be out giving each other kisses and hugs and boosting each other's self-worth, instead of sitting in front of our machines and problem-solving this little card game by ourselves. I admit it takes my mind off my problems, but I wish I could just help this crazy world be a little less crazy. I live in NYC, although originally I am a New Englander going back to 1604, and NYC is turning into the most expensive mall in the world. All the great neighborhoods are disappearing. It is filling up with the super-rich, mostly foreigners, so that the people and families who survived here for years and did the jobs that supported these rich companies and their owners, can no longer survive - the rents and cost of living have sky-rocketed to impossible heights where our incomes just do not cover our basics needs - food & shelter. Capitalism is not the principle that our country was built upon. That idea came out of the industrial revolution after products became so quick and easy to produce, so the idea of greed and materialism just spread like wildfire around our nation. We were built on the idea of democracy. NOT on government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations. Americans have become so full of entitlement and selfish narcissism. We use to work hard and appreciate what we had, and were much less wasteful - especially within our communities. Now everywhere, all I see is lie, lie, lie, take, take, take, give me, give me, give me. People dont even look each other in the eye anymore. Must keep on keeping on....and loving them regardless. And beat a game of solitaire every once and a while.
Dear nelb,
Thanks for your response. I am glad someone did. I will read it carefully. Although I do not think my DNA has anything to do with my slight depression. Perhaps a nacissistic mother, self-worth problems, and childhood sexual abuse against this incredibly, intelligent, hardworking, and giving young girl, who then began to feel worthless and thought it had to be all her fault. Some things do come from outside sources, not from DNA, although most happiness must come from within and go out. Most everyone has a different life experience. Even though we are all allegedly the "same or equal" as human beiings, we all have lived incredibly different lives. Sorry darling, but nurture does have something to do with it. And by the way, Levi-Strauss & Co, lied to me about a temp job which was suppose to last 3 months, but only lasted 6 weeks barely . I am having trouble getting steady work, since the wholesale decor art company I worked for - for nearly 15 years - closed 2 years ago because they could not compete with those incredibly cheap Chinese markets. Back to Seahaven Towers. then back to the worksearch, on July 4, 2016!
why not just go to the restore regular deck instead of complaining ?
much easier and less stress and we canucks can be happy with our maple leafs for the one day before they restore the normal deck , after all it was only in recognition of of our Canada day celebrations.