the leader board has problems

i granmammiej scored the lowest time on game #1980805583 4 nights ago. i and cuyler1 have video proof of misleading results on the leader board for this game on 3 different computers with these 2 different logins. so tonight i granmammiej seeing i am not in the #1 place naturally play the game again. i screw up and lose AND THEN the leader board shows my previous top #1 score but dimmed out and then my new ranking is #16. cuyler1 kept complaining about this same thing until tonight where we caught the discrepancy and video taped it.
we are sure this upsets others as each of the two of us have read about problems with the leader board.
in this household we sometimes have 6 players vying for our own little championship. we let the others know a while back and in conversing with them they are truly convinced some kind of trickery is being deployed here.
so here it is; 2 players with different logins with 3 computers showing different stats. logging off and back on with different logins and mixing and matching computers and then going to friends homes and logging in &out with different logins they come up with different stats on the leader board.
do remember this is all captured on video.



    I think what you are seeing is "everything working as intended"—we have several different views into the same data, depending on where you are looking and if you are logged in or not:

    • Clicking the "High Scores" button in a game: Shows the high scores

      • If the "Show a player's first score, not their fastest" option is checked (located just below the high score table) and a player has played the game multiple times with the same score, then the first score they achieved (looking at the dates) is shown. Otherwise, the "best" score is shown (depending on whether the sort order is "time" or "moves".

      • If the "Time" header is selected (look for the "▾" after "Time") then games with the same score will be sorted by Time as a tie breaker.

      • If the "Moves" header is selected (look for the "▾" after "Moves") then games with the same score will be sorted by Moves as a tie breaker.

    • Giving up, Completing, or otherwise finishing a game: Same as clicking "High Scores", but will always includes the game you just played (which gets circled in yellow).

    • Leader Board: Always sorted by "Time" (after score, of course), always shows your first game of a particular score and not your best.

    Does that add up to what you are seeing?

  • No. There isn't any use saying a thing because ya'll are always correct.
    For example: i played never mind.Where are all these rules posted at?

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