play... there must be some trick to playing this game that I have not yet figured out.. any clues

Game: fortythieves

Game #: 2125037159

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  • I can't believe all these players who get 104 moves.. and I struggle to get 30 moves... I must not be doing something......

  • OK. I'm getting pretty fast with the solitaire game. There are people who do the same game twice as fast with more moves. Do they have some sort of souped up computers or fancy technological gizmos that make that possible?

  • marco-i actually play the game with my dog watching.she whimpers whenever i make a mistake so i go back and correct it. maybe you should get a .......? just joking but i will give you an example i.e. lets say i have placed the 5 of hearts on the 6 on the 25th deal. then on the 29th card dealt it is the other 5 of hearts. this one will be blocking a key card in another string therefore i would need to go back and skip the 1st 5 of hearts and place the second 5 of hearts on the 6 . this frees up the key card to advance further along the game.super computer no,card timing yes. sometimes i have to take 2 steps backward to get 3 steps on down the road.
    sloomis-utilize the pause button and have a 2nd computer nearby to figure out what to do.

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