Freecell scoring

The answer may be obvious, but all the top ten scores are always on the same day. So, are they the "high scores of the day" only instead of all-time high scores?


    edited June 2016

    The scores are all-time, but per "game #" (think of that as a particular shuffle of the deck). Every time you play a new game #, it'll be a high score table just for that (it didn't seem fair to compare across game #s, since some shuffles are easy and some are hard).

    Since we give out different game numbers every day, you'll tend to see the scores being from the current day. But if you go play Freecell Game #1 then you'll see games from a long time ago.

    If you want to see a really old one, this is one of the first game of the day Freecells, back when nobody but me was playing. :-)

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