I want to thank you for the fun I have had recently

I am a 90+ year old WWII Vet and am about to have my first cataract surgery on March 25. Reading printed material is getting a little more troublesome now. As a kid I did play solitaire with cards and it was a lot of fun. Many of the games that are on the computer are too complex for me . The style and color combinations are difficult. However I found your 1 & 3 turn Klondike Solitaire Green Felt is a  combo  that works just fine for me. It's taken me some time to understand the auto moves etc that are built into the system, but I'm making progress. Thanks very much for the fun and the challenge that you have built into your games.  Braxton 


  • Hi Braxton

    Thanks for your service, and good luck with the surgery


  • Cheers Braxton....Way to go!   surgery will be just fine.........Keep it  going......Jimbob  Ontario Canada

  • Hello Braxton. It's not  very often i get to thank a real WWll Hero for his services and my best wishes goes to you and your surgery good luck and again Thank You.............Rewind Nova Scotia......

  • Braxton reporting back . My eye surgery went well and I can see better now. I still have a long way to go , but I have both eyes and all of my fingers & toes . So Klondike Solitaire works for me. One other good thing about green felt --- I don't have to wear my hearing aides.   So if you see Braxton up near you in the top 10  just say there is a lucky old man and he knows how to get some good life out of a simple game . Thanks Green Felt.

  • Congratulations Braxton,  you have the best positive attitude of any one I had seen in a long time.

    Stay well and enjoy...........Cheers.......Jimbob Ontario Canada

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