Personal History page

mom1975mom1975 REGISTERED

It would be great to see my personal history for all the games I've played.  Here's how I envision it:
 - Total stats in a grid (similar to the Game Over pop-up)  with column headers like: GAME | GAME # | DATE | SCORE/OUT OF | MOVES | TIME.  No need for NAME, since all listings in this view would be my own.
 - Displayed as a whole page rather than a pop-up or overlay.
 - link to this page located in upper right corner next to the Log Out. 
 - link to this page not displayed to people playing anonymously
 - default sort order should be by score. Within each score group (if there are multiple game-plays with the same score) they should sort by date, most recent first.
 - within the grid, make each column header clickable to provide sorting capabilities which override the default sort order.  (for example: so I can group all my game-play results by game type, or by date)
 - provide date filter (so I can see all my game-play results from a given time period, like maybe all of last week)
 - provide game filter (for example, so I can see all my game-play results for just Freecell, but not Klondike)
 - provide score filter (so I can view all my completed game-plays and filter out the ones I never finished playing, or maybe show just the game plays where I ranked in the top 20)

I know this sounds like a lot, but it appears you already have the data gathered for each of us. It's just a matter of displaying it.

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