two user names
Game: klondike
Game #: 877758563
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5) AppleWebKit/600.8.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.2.8 Safari/537.85.17
Please describe the problem in detail:
Just wondering . . . During last week's difficulties, had to re-register, yet again. Am "anon13" for games, "nelbent" shows on messages (unless it has already been changed on this one). Also, a lot of "error" messages on score list yesterday, game could not be "saved." Clicking the "tiny" gadget in upper right corner made no difference. Don't bother much with scores and score boards, so there's no problem playing, but could dual user names lead to one?
No, dual users shouldn't lead to that. That's just a mismatch between the forum software and the main greenfelt program. If you click on the little gear at the top of the forum you can sign out, and then it should re-sign you in automatically as your new username.
The the little card in the top right will retry to submit your scores when you click it. But if the server is wonky, it may fail again. But it should eventually work :-/. We're still getting the "502 no gateway" errors, and we can see what's happening on the server and we're trying different things to get it to work reliably.
Wow. Sleek fix.