Game: freecell
Game #: 1311903131
What would you like to see? I wou[d love to have numbered games
Game: freecell
Game #: 1311903131
What would you like to see? I wou[d love to have numbered games
my ultimate goal is to complete every freecell game starting from 1
Well, we do have numbered games! But you may be disheartened to know that we use a 32 bit number which mans that we have 4,294,967,296 games/shuffles/hands total. So it will be hard to put a dent in that.
You can try, though. Click the "Game #" link and enter whatever number you'd like. We had a guy that made it up to 1000.
Wow, that's a lot. If you played a game a minute without a break for 16 hours a day, it would take you more than 12,000 years to play them all!