Ignorant username
Hi Jim and David. Look at the usernames and you will find an ignorant username, this must be removed.....
Get rid of this
I totally agree
I hate to ask it, but would you mind saying which user it is? I'm looking around but not seeing anything (they probably got pushed off the high score list). At least give me a hint so I can search our database. What card game did you see the user in?
What exactly is an ignorant user name? I'm not bring provocative, I really am curious. If it involves sexual bits or scatological references I suppose this might classify as ignorant depending on how explicit the user name. I tend to look at users like this as silly people rather than being offensive. I suppose the easiest way to deal with this is to message the user and advise them that other users find their user name unpleasant, and request that they change it, but expelling them because they have an annoying name seems a bit high handed. After all, it is cards not a legal brief, something I appreciate by the way.
Perhaps a note, when people are choosing their user name, that users who choose rude/sexually explicit names will be removed. Also mention that using an e-mail address, as a user name, is not recommended, either.
i feel sorry for weak minded, limp wristed men or women with no backbone who get their feelings hurt by words on a tv screen or computer moniter. If that offends them they won't last long when REAL hurt comes their way.
@Hoopdedoop, We don't outright ban people with offensive names (or at least, we haven't had to yet), we just mark them as offensive in our database and they show up censored a bit to the other users. You will always see your own offensiveness. :-)
@Sage, that's a good idea. We have verbiage in there now but I do still see a lot of email addresses.
@agent7887, Luckily for us you aren't the arbiter of offensiveness here ;-). I don't see this as trying to protect fragile people from getting their feelings hurt, I see it as just basic human politeness. Most people don't go around hurling curse words to and fro, oblivious to their surroundings, and we expect the same courtesy here.
Hi Jim and David: Yesterday I found the name in Klonkike , which is " f**** you." That should not be allowed.
Fools are easy to be found by the lack of intelligence and verbiage is proof. I find it humorous to see them spew out their insipience, dullardism, duncery, opacity, etcetera. The sad part is that they are the result of COMMON CORE, which is the public indoctrination system. They are programmed not educated, unable the to perform critical thinking, much less reading, writing and arithmetic. What is more disconsolate is those low information voters and college students are the future. But they can play card games.
Elitists, unite! But not on Green Felt, please.
@jimbob, Thanks, it has been taken care of.
I almost wish there was a ignore button here. One profoundly ignorant and willfully offensive person in this thread would certainly make me push it. Greenfelt forums would be a much more pleasant place without him in it.
David: Thank you and have a great day!
AKat said it best.