"Show a player's first score" not working

Game: Forty Thieves # 710777598

I always have "Show a player's first score, not their best" checked. But in this game, HelenDeventer shows as the first four scores (I can never beat her!) I'm fifth. Shouldn't she just show once, with her first score?


    edited October 2015

    That wording is a little confusing, but it's working the way it was intended. It was originally designed for Freecell where people play again and again getting slightly faster times. "Best" in this case really means "fastest", and it only kicks in when the scores are exactly the same.

    So if you played the same Forty Thieves game 5 times in a row and got a score of, say, 35, then that setting would control whether your fastest play or your first play would be shown.

    I changed the wording so it says "fastest" now instead of "best".

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