Game already played indicator

Game: sht
Game #: 275460230

What would you like to see?
Is there any way to have the system let us know if we have already played a game? I just pressed NEW GAME and got the same game that I had just finished playing.

Just a little indicator that lets us know that we already played that game would be nice.

Thanks, and I love your site.



  • Every time I open the site to play, the last game I played pops up. Is there a reason for this? Not a big deal, but a little annoying. I simply click on the 'new game' icon, but would prefer not to have to take that step.

    Later gators!

    @Denis60, That should not happen, "New Game" should always get you a new game. Does this happen frequently? I'd rather fix that problem than add a new indicator.


    @doubledown, How do you open the site? If it's through a bookmark/favorite, make sure the URL that you use doesn't have a game=xxxx in it, otherwise it will always go to the specified game.

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