Cheating times

Game: freecell

Game #: 650537429

Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36

Please describe the problem in detail:  These's nobody making 88 moves in 22 seconds legitimately.  Why don't you try to fix that.


  • This had been brought up by every (new) player, since those times started being made. Please see previous posts on how it is done and how you can do it, too. In short the site administrators will tell you that it is possible, and it isn't a "bug", so there's nothing that need be fixed. If you click on groups of cards, or Auto-finish, the cards will fly up, to their places, automatically, without having to click each one. Hope this helps...

  • The last time I commented on "cheating" scores I outlined a method of cheating by changing the Windows clock only to be told that it couldn't work; GF uses its own clocks and consequently, times.
    Sadly I was distracted at the time and I forgot to mention the players, on Seahaven, which I have been playing for over 20 years, who used to come up not with impossibly quick times but with literally impossible times. One of them in particular recorded a whole lot of negative times, coming up with -1 week etc.
    This is NOT possible without access to whatever clock is used.
    ...and, by the way, the principal sinner still finishes Seahaven in plus or minus 10 secs although I haven't seen a negatie number for quite a while.

  • I just tried to get a "cheating" time by changing my Windows clock. It didn't work.

  • Hi Fnarf
    As I said, the felties told me about their private clocks and how changing the Windows clock doesn't work. What I'm saying is that it looks like it used to work before they plugged this particular leak.
    All the same, I agree that there are plenty of unbelievable times being recorded. Maybe I'm biased as I'll be 80 next and consequently I'm not as quick as I once was.

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