Card count shift

jmar2jmar2 REGISTERED
edited August 2015 in Bug Reports

Game: canfield

Game #: 589802101

Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0

Please describe the problem in detail:
When pulling from pack remaining cards shift count when card is pulled BEFORE rotating through deck.  Ex:  18 cards left in stack.  Last two groups 13,14,15 & 16,17,18 three are 5H QD 2C and 8S, 9H & JS.  Rotating through, I play card six from the pile.  That should back the remaining cards up by one.  Finishing this round, the last six cards stay as shown.  But on the next rotation, my last six cards should be:
QD 2C 8S & 9H & JS.   But they aren't.
Your algorithm is incorrect.  The instant I play the card number 6, the deck backed up by one at that point - pulling the #3 card into the 4,5 & 6 row.  


    edited August 2015

    Yes and no. Our deck always displays the top 3 cards in turn-3 games (canfield and klondike), and so it might feel weird when there are only 2 cards left in the deck and it ends up looking like 3 were there after the last deal. But! It's not actually incorrect. Lets take your example:

    Before Deal

    deck talon
    9H JS QD 2C 8S

    After Deal (Traditional)

    deck talon
    empty QD 2C 8S (inaccessible)
    JS 9H

    After Deal (Green Felt)

    deck talon
    empty QD 2C (hidden) 8S JS 9H

    In both the traditional way and the Green Felt way, you can't get to the 8S until you've played the JS and the 9H. They look different but they are really the same.

    The way it works is our talon pile always shows the last 3 cards. If you were to play the 9H then the whole thing shifts and you see 2C 8S JS. This is a shortcut that makes it easier to code, otherwise we have to keep track of each individual deal group and that was too complicated and special case-y for our tastes. It works because even though you're flipping 3 cards at a time, they still act like you flipped one card at a time onto the deck, 3 times in a row. The only real difference is in our case you can see more cards sometimes. This seemed like a reasonable concession to us.


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