A game that is measured in both time and moves

Game: klondike

Game #: 622904114

I started play solitaire about a year ago because I noticed my mind was slowing down after retirement. At first, I was taking around two to three minutes for a game and I could imagine how a person could do it under a minute. As I got better I discovered the various short cuts that help take some seconds off the game. Then one day I made a stupid mistake and I just rapidly made moves to the end of the game. Behold, my first game under a minute. Then I started to make rapid moves by just clicking and found I was at the top with many games well under a minute. When I started looking at how many cmoves it took to win and game, they were averaging around 150 to 170. Yes, I was beating some people by a second or two but they had scores of around 100 moves. Even though I was feeling invincible, I knew I was just “mindlessly” clicking away to win a game. Now, I love to trying a really beat some of the top scorers who can win both with time and low amount of moves because that takes brains. I find now that I’m not so invincible. But, when I see a person who beats my game of 105 moves in 52 seconds with their game of 178 moves in 50 seconds, did this person really beat me by just moving “mindlessly?” Thus, what kind of a new game would I like to see? One that takes both the time and the moves into a score………… 

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