Feature Request: Scores over time

Green Felt's Forty Thieves is by a huge margin the best Forty Thieves game on the internet or in the app store, but I sometimes play a crummier version on my phone for one reason: it keeps statistics over time. So I can see that my lifetime win percentage is 15.5%, that sort of thing. It would be cool if Green Felt kept a statistic like that as well. Plus, since you already have the data, how many times I finished first, top three, top ten, etc. 

The other thing the phone app does is let me cheat, in one specific way: it lets you move a stack of two over into a single blank space, which also lets you move a stack of three over if the next sequential card is showing (move the two, move the third onto the sequential card, opening up a space again, move the two back -- now you have two open spaces. Please DON'T adopt that cheat!

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