log in for a day/3 days

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited September 2007 in Feature Requests
I do wish there was the facility to log in for a longer time---

Enjoy your site!

Thank you.


    Freesia wrote:
    I do wish there was the facility to log in for a longer time---
    You get logged out if your computer's IP address changes. So if you have a laptop and you move from place to place you will get logged out often, or if your internet service provider changes your address often you will get logged out. We've been thinking of changing this to a standard session cookie style of login which would survive IP address changes, but that hasn't happened yet.
    Enjoy your site!

  • The IP login that you mention doesn't seem to work. I don't know if being behind a firewall/NAT (as most people now will be) makes a difference, but if I log in to the site, then close my browser and re-open it I have to log back in again. This happens with both Firefox and IE7.

    Please could we have some kind of a cookie system like other websites which allow you to remain logged in?

    Thanks alot. I also enjoy using this site!
    tas1 wrote:
    The IP login that you mention doesn't seem to work. I don't know if being behind a firewall/NAT (as most people now will be) makes a difference, but if I log in to the site, then close my browser and re-open it I have to log back in again. This happens with both Firefox and IE7.

    Please could we have some kind of a cookie system like other websites which allow you to remain logged in?
    Actually, we do use a session cookie. I just checked the code. And I was completely wrong about the IP address thing. Strange, I don't know why I remembered it that way. Maybe I was going to do it that way at one point.

    Anyway, I think I discovered the problem. I don't set the expiration on the cookie when I set it and so that makes it expire at the end of a session instead of never, like I expected. I'm fixing it now...

    I set them to expire after 30 days. It should be on the main site now.

  • This seems to work for the Forum now, but is there some way that the login to the main games pages can be held too?

    tas1 wrote:
    This seems to work for the Forum now, but is there some way that the login to the main games pages can be held too?
    Interesting. I didn't actually touch the forum. It should have affected the main site only.

    Check out the cookie we set by logging in and then going to your FireFox preferences (under "Privacy", click "Show Cookies..."). You *should* have one set of greenfelt_user and greenfelt_session (and a "gotd" for the game of the day, but that doesn't affect login). Check that the "Expires" date is a month in the future.

    If "Expires" is set to "at end of session", then check in the "Privacy" preferences that the "Keep until" setting is set to "they expire".

    If there are a bunch of cookies with the same name, try deleting them all and then relogging in.

  • Ah-ha! It seems to be working now. I did a clear-out of the cookies the other day, but it's only now decided to hold the login properly... Have to see what happens.

    Thanks! :)

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