Hopeless repetition of games.......

See the same game nos. back yet again in order to get highest score. See table of highest scores since 10 March. Time for change to way results recorded?

Name Date Game # Score Time
Pirracas 2015/03/21 4:11pm 1873579714 27420 36s
Pirracas 2015/03/21 4:10pm 1873579714 26970 37s
Pirracas 2015/03/21 4:07pm 419270578 26958 50s



    I can see how that can be frustrating. Do you think we should get rid of the ability to choose game numbers in Hopeless? Ie, just make every game a completely random game?

    I originally liked the idea of hopeless game of the day, but given that the high scores are calculated across game #s, I think it might make more sense to drop that and just make it random. We specifically avoided this problem with the solitaire games by segregating the high scores by game #. For solitaire we were worried that people would do exactly what's happening here: play the easy games to get a good high score.

    The counter argument is that if there's such a difference in scores from the initial game board, then perhaps we're not scoring it very well. In other words, it won't prevent someone from getting a really high score from an easy game, it'll just make that occurrence random.

  • Considering random sounds a feasible option, is there a consensus of opinion?

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